People are so strange when it comes to pregnant women...

I'm a high school teacher so I expected some pretty silly comments/experiences to come about from my students due to me being pregnant, but I never thought that full blown adults would lose all sense of what is and is not appropriate. I'm 17 weeks pregnant, so I'm in that awkward phase of not having a belly, but just looking like I have a bit of a gut from eating an entire pizza by myself. Multiple women, who I'm not even very close with, have come up to me and started rubbing my stomach. Now I'm super weird about having my stomach touched to begin with, I can barely stand letting my husband do it, but I humor him due to the fact that we are finally having a baby. But these women who I barely know?? No, absolutely not. So bizarre. And THEN, the most common question I've gotten from my male coworkers when they find out I'm pregnant has been, "Was it planned?" What the hell kind of a question is that? What difference does that even make? What answer are they hopping I give them? I'm telling you ladies, pregnancy make people nuts. Hahaha!