Can't deal with my job anymore...

Sorry for the letter, but I don't really have anyone to talk about it. 
I accepted this job ten months ago. I was excited to know that I was going to work for a family oriented department in a smaller hospital. I'm a CT technologist and I already worked on the scanners they used. I wanted to be closer to my family and I was tired of the long weekend drives. It felt like a match made in heaven when it came to jobs. 
Three months in, I find out that I'm pregnant. It wasn't planned but we were excited nonetheless. It was something we wanted from the beginning. I waited until I was 12 weeks before I said anything to my employer, and things went down hill from there. 
Ever since I announced my pregnancy, once a month, I have a meeting with my manager about something I am or am not doing. I'm not helping enough, or all I want to do is leave early, all I want to do is work on the scanner. We have these rotating schedules where on week I'll work on the scanner (which means I literally scan all day. It's easier on my back because I can sit a little bit longer in between patients), one week I'll work the desk (easiest job of all, deal with paperwork only) or I'll assist (the worst, it's constant pushing, pulling, sitting and standing putting the patient on the table 8 hours a week for 5 days). In the beginning of my pregnancy, I could do them all, but now at 7 months, assisting is impossible for a whole week. My hips and back hurt so bad, that by the end of the day, I can hardly walk, and yet, I still am called to meetings about how my coworkers think that I'm not doing my fair share. 
I end up taking days off work because I'm in tears from the pain. My last meeting, they gave me a warning for my absences and was told again that people are complaining that I'm not doing my fair share and that I don't appreciate the help I get. I went to work and started scanning and assisting at the same time. I got so worked up that day that my blood pressure skyrocketed. I thought I was having preeclampsia. Nope, an anxiety attack. 
I don't know how to deal with them anymore. I can't talk to my husband about it because he gets upset. I'm at a loss with what to do.