Frustrating pre labor day

At about 9pm Sunday I started having contractions about 5 min apart and around 1.5 minutes. They got stronger after awhile so I woke my husband up. We got me in the tub for awhile then back in bed. Over time the contractions faded out and I went to sleep about 1. 
Coulple hours later around 3:30 they start up again. Same pattern. They stick around for about 6 hours before I get extremely tired, they peter out about 9:30 and I go back to sleep until about noon. 
Wake up with no contractions so I start doing some things around the house to keep busy and order some pizza. Contractions come on strong then peter out. I try nipple stimulation which brings them in stronger but they're not really progressing. 
About 4:30 we go into see the midwife because I'm worried I'm leading fluid. She does an exam, and it's not amniotic fluid and I'm only dial acted to 2 cm and exhausted. 
It just feels like we wasted a day. My husband took off work and I was uncomfortable with no baby at the end. 
Just a little pity party for me.