I don't even know where to start.

I am beyond frustrated lately, and I just need to vent....

So, I am 35 weeks pregnant and as my boyfriend and I are just approaching our 19th birthdays and are of limited means currently, we are staying at his mother's house. Our household consists of my boyfriend and I, his mother, his teenage sister, a yippy little rat dog, and two large dogs (one of which has a skin condition and is constantly losing his hair all over the floor). I have gone on leave from work for a while because it was just too much strain on my body and since I have anemia and was told my baby was underweight, worry had consumed me. Though I do feel restless and pains won't let up, I feel that things are better this way. Unfortunately, sometimes I feel as if I were doing less physical labor at work than I am now that I'm always at home. It seems like just because I am home now and I don't really pay rent (which I really do appreciate) literally ALL of the housework is left for me, and it is overwhelming. It wouldn't be so bad if people would just clean up after themselves or at least make an effort to KEEP things clean, but they don't. All the mess of the day is left for one person to take on. I know I'm a mom now, but these are grown ass people. And I'm not their mom. Everyday I wake up after long nights of pains and insomnia aided by the dogs starting a screaming match at every little noise, and the sink is filled with dishes. The floors are all coated in dog hair. The countertops are riddled with crumbs and coffee stains. Everything is disgusting again within a few hours. And even on the rare occasion that someone else does clean, it is always half-assed. We are all mature here, so why am I the one stuck playing Cinderella until my feet are big and swollen? I don't get the pretty glass shoes, though. I can't even get a damn back rub. I am now riddled with fear now that once I do finally have my precious baby in my arms, no one is going to help me and this house will go to crap and won't even be fit for a baby. And when I do express my concerns to my boyfriend he just says how I "love to complain." I really do appreciate all the support that I do get from everyone, and I try my best to show it. It would just be nice if they could do the same... Advice? Support? I'm just feeling so worn down, ladies. 😔 I need a vacation from this "vacation." It's such a drag.