Induced- No Amniotic Fluid

Dara • Director of Innovation, married June 2014, 2 great stepsons and pregnant with a baby boy due 3/28/16!
This morning at 40 + 1, I went in for my weekly NST and dilation check. After sharing with my OB that my baby moved a little less yesterday, she took swift action and got me in right away for a BioPhysical Ultrasound. We weren't but 3 min in before the tech called the doctor in and proclaimed that there was not one drop of amniotic Fluid remaining. I was immediately sent straight to L&D to be induced. I am only a fingertip dilated but am on my 6th hr of Cervidil. Hoping everything goes smoothly and I get to meet my baby soon. I would never have known that my amniotic fluid was gone. It's so important to pay attention to baby's movements. Even on my NST, my little guy was showing good accelerations and oxidation.