Breast Reduction

Teemo Troll • I tell it how it is
I'm a very short person, I'm only five feet and half an inch. I have size 34i breasts and they are still growing. I hate how big they are sometimes. Nothing fits right, and if I want something that fits well I have to have it skin tight to show I'm not fat. I forget about them at times until I see pictures with my friends and my eyes instantly see them out there. I just feel so uncomfortable in my own skin sometimes I'm only 23, and I was told I have to wait until I am 25 to get a reduction. I'm seriously thinking about it but I'm terrified. I'm not comfortable with the idea of surgery and I'm worried I'd regret it or not feel like myself. May sound stupid but as much as I hate my big boobs they are all I've ever had so I'm worried to change it. Has anyone ever had a reduction and want to let me know about it