He is here!!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™


Our sweet Finn Jonathan is finally here! He arrived at 5:44 pm on March 30th. He is a big boy, weight in at 8 lbs. 8 Oz. And 21.5 inches long!

I went in for my regular scheduled appointment Wednesday morning at 40+2. My doctor said he could strip my membranes and we could schedule an induction date if I wanted since I was now overdue. I really didn't want to he induced, but he encouraged me that sometimes membrane sweeping is all it takes. I wasn't convinced considering we did that 3 times with my 1st and it didn't work, but I said ok. So he checked me and said "Wow your at a 4 and baby is ready to go!". He said he did the sweep and if I wanted I could go in at 12:30 that afternoon and he would break my water. I said ok let's do this! I was so nervous, but so ready. Went home to tell my hubby and get all squared away to go. Started having some contractions. Got to the hospital at 12:30 and as they were getting me admitted and I was settling in to bed the contractions were getting stronger. Doctor came in at 1:30, broke my water and said I was almost a 6 already. Hurry and got my epidural, but sadly it only worked on my left side. About 2 hours later contractions were super hard, painful and stacked. I could feel everything on my right side. I dilated to an 8. Shortly after I skyrocketed to a 10 and started pushing. Our son was born 30 min later! Very painful labor, but super short. I couldn't believe it. Only 4 hours start to finish! Completely different than my 1st labor 2 years ago. So blessed he is finally here and we are already home! Big brother is so so in love already!