False positive NT?

Went at 10w 6d for my Nt and blood work. They only did blood work since the baby was too small and should have the ultra sound at 12 weeks
We did blood anyway, can back a low risk and a boy!
A week and a day later go back for the same blood work and NT ultra sound
Blood work now high risk and NT shows fluid behind neck at 3.5mm. The doc there said I was a confusing case and went on about addition al tests at 18 weeks and talks about terminating as an option. 
One I couldn't terminate at 18 weeks especially after seeing him move. 
Has anyone else experienced this? How did my blood work change in a week and one day? 
I don't think I'm doing any further testing as my husband and I will never terminate. Please share your experience as those docs at the hospital scare the crap out of you!