Brown discharge

I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing brown discharge? I have had no bleeding whatsoever throughout my pregnancy so far and I'm now just 25 weeks and noticed a very small amount of brown discharge. They checked the baby's heartbeat and that was all fine and they said it's just likely some old blood leaving my system. I have had some aches down there too but they said groin pain is normal at this stage. So the next day (last night) i hadn't noticed any more discharge until the evening when I had a sharp pain then felt a whoosh of wetness and it was quite a bit of brown discharge. Completely panicked and called the midwife and they didn't seem concerned and said I could come in if I wanted but maybe best just to monitor and see how I get on. So I've kept off my feet as much as I can yesterday and today and I've felt baby move (not lots but some) and the discharge isn't as heavy. Thinking I'm alright but worried about doing too much activity. Would appreciate hearing anyone else's experiences.