Let adults be!

Ichigo • I have one daughter. I'm also pregnant with my second. Unmarried.

Know what I'm getting really sick of seeing? People trying to put regulations on everything. You shouldn't get food stamps if you don't have this, you should have children if you have this issue, we should insert microchips into people's brains to make sure that everything is going exactly as the rules say at all times. I mean my gosh! Do you know what that is?! Tyranny!! Stuff people have been fighting since forever! You cannot have freedom and tyranny at the same time. So you please hush, realize people aren't perfect and sometimes abuse what they have, and cut your losses. And remember not everyone on food stamps abuse it, not all baby mothers and fathers take child support and spend it on themselves, not all people on assistance are on drug or are lazy and this is typically the minority that the media blows up to pit us against one other so that this can become a dictatorship. Good night.

**edit** This is not intended to be a rant. I simply put my opinion on the topic I'm trying to have debated. So I'll ask a question. Do you think that we are going to far with regulations? There.