How long does your man last on a good night?

I know not every night is the same, but those nights that run long, how long can he go?
My boyfriend of 3 years has what I consider to be a problem😭 
He can cum if I'm done, but if I'm not he won't stop, and I'm talking like he will fuck for 3 hours, go down stairs and piss, eat a sandwich, and come back to bed and go for two more, and then fall asleep without ejaculating. And he will even say "I'm going to be a while" if I'm clearly tired or worn out. 
I'm not complaining but I've just never seen anything like it. Yet, if I let him know, "babe I'm tired, you better finish in less than half an hour tonight." He can do it, but he has to concentrate really hard on making himself get off. 

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