Terrified to TTC #3

Porsche • Married mommy of 2 miracle. Secondary infertility. DD born after 5 cycles of clomid. Trying for #3 naturally

Hi ladies!

So grateful I found this community and group. We are actually TTC #3. My son is 10 and conceived natural when I was 19 during another relationship! I Met my husband 6 years ago, married for 4 years and our daughter is 2. I was diagnosed with secondary infertility while we TTC for DD.

After 17 cycles,2 MC, 1 chemical pregnancy and 4 cycles of clomid, we got pregnant. We are now ready to try for #3 and this is our first official cycle trying naturally. I have preseed, ovulation test, been tracking my cycle for months and over 50 pregnancy test ready.

Crazy, I know. I'm honestly terrified that we will struggle again. I don't think I can deal with the anxiety of fertility meds again. I guess I just needed to vent. I'm here to support and encourage you guys!

I pray we get a TON of BFP'S this cycle! Im adding a picture of my family!