
I love my boyfriend i really really do.... Weve bern together a year and over the year weve matured alot....We stay with his mom because its closer to my job and we share a car (At the momment) i was thinking if we saved up we could move and get a single apartment together.... which in CA is about 500-800 a month for rent....But everytime i talk about moving he doesnt dodge the conversation but he always say's "I dont wanna leave my mom with all the resposiblity" (Mind you his aunt and his mothers so called boyfriend who are both unemployed live here also) I dont wanna leave my boyfriend i really love him but i dont wanna feel like im settling by not having my own (if you understand) i really want this to work....Hes my world but my mom always said you cant be a power couple without having and working for you own....I dont know what to do anymore....Can i please have some advice ? If i keep overthinking this i think ill snap.......