Proud Mommy

Just because everyone on this app is so pro breastfeeding, which I support too, I still wanted to post about how great formula feeding is too! Because guess what, the baby is getting fed great nutrients 😉 I will be formula feeding my sweet baby and I'm confident and proud in my decision. I love my baby just as much as mommys who breastfeed :) We should all support each other for just taking care of our baby's. I hate when people tell me I'll be a terrible mom if I formula feed or they won't be my friend if I don't breastfeed. The way my baby is fed is mine and my husbands business only lol I dunno why people feel the need to control everyone else. So for any mommys who are going to formula feed or already do, good job for loving and taking care of your baby! Same goes for breastfeeding mommys. We're all doing the best we can at raising our little angels and let's support that