Having a girl.. But HATE pink/gender norms??

Ok, so I found out we are having a girl, and the #1 main issue with this is I absolutely hate pink/purple--clothes, decor, anything. Likewise, I am a feminist and I can't stand the gender related comments that (apparently) start even before birth?? For example, my sister in law is pregnant with a boy, due a month before me, and my mother in law was talking about how the two boy cousins can play soccer. I chimed in, what about our baby (girl)? And she said, oh she can sit next to me and watch! 
I hate all of it and am trying not to come across as some controlling psycho. I was just gifted a neon pink, glittery onesie that said "Daddy Won't Let Me Date Until I'm 30" and almost puked in my mouth. Luckily the "gift" is within a giant bag of assorted used clothes, and will be donated to someone who wants such things. 
Anyone have any tips on how to nicely and gently begin the discussion on how I don't want people to treat my daughter? I don't want an intervention or anything and it's not as if I flatly refuse pink items; but if I could bring it up now before she's born maybe it will be easier for my parents/in laws to swallow?