Please help ... Before I get my hopes up

My period is now 5 days late. I'm not having normally symptoms like nausea , or sore breast, however j have noticed my areoles are larger (I don't think dark ) also, I've been having very vivid strange dreams, my cervix has been high the past two night I've checked, I've been going #2 4-7 times a day... And I've been getting up every night to pee. My headaches are bad, and I've been having cramps enough to constantly think I've started. I had no period last month. Again, 5 days late. I spent literally my last dollar on bills and groceries before this even came in mind. So I can go buy a test until Thursday when I get paid. Also, I ran out of cigarettes the other day and my body isn't craving a cigarette like it normally does. But I am extremely emotional. Please help.... I know it's a lot but it will put my mind at ease!