Personal issues

I'm 20 years old and I've only had sex twice in my life. I seem to have several issues that inhibit my sex life and I'm not sure how to deal with them. First, I've had a vaginal discharge since I was about 10 years old (before I even started my period) and I literally have to wear pads everyday because the flow is so random (sometimes it can be like a "clear period") wearing a pad all the time causes it to become itchy and smelly down there. I try to "air it out" as much as possible but it doesn't seem to be helping. I don't use soap, I take a salt bath instead and sometimes use non soap cleansers. Second, I don't like shaving my vagina. I think it's unnecessary on all accounts but I feel like no guy will ever have sex with me if I have pubic hair. Even if a guy is ok with it, how would I "warn" him ahead of time? I say all that to say, I push myself away from the guy I like because I'm scared to have sex with him, feeling like I will gross him out. Any and all advice would be much appreciated