I'm 18 and 29 weeks pregnant with my first child. I have been with my partner(age 19) for nearly 3 years with a few months break in the middle. Since becoming pregnant, my partner has already cheated on me and is constantly liking other girls pictures, ( which we have talked about together before and decided neither of us would like any of the opposite sex out of respect for one another and it has worked for us till now) He is always out at bars which I don't usually mind and let him go off and do but find myself worrying incase he cheats again or comes home drunk and messages a few girls (which I have caught him doing a number of times). Today, I came across a naked picture he had liked a few days ago of a girl he used to flirt with (while being with me). This has been happening my whole pregnancy and I don't feel like I can take it anymore, I'm so insecure with my body and all these girls seem to be so much skinnier and prettier. I just don't feel like he's happy with me since I've became pregnant. I want to take a break from the relationship for my own sanity, but I'll be full of worry about him getting with someone else and not caring and forgetting about me. I have given him 3 years of loyalty and a beautiful baby girl, what am I doing wrong to be treated like this.