
Chelsea • I miscarried back in May of 2015 with my first baby, a beautiful little girl. I am now pregnant with my 2nd baby, and due on October 25, which is exactly a year from my due date with my first one.
I am 11 weeks today, and have been battling migraines on an average of 3 times a week since I got pregnant. I dealt with chronic migraines before, but since I've been pregnant, they are 10 times worse and way more frequent! Tylenol doesn't even touch them, and my doctor said it's OK to take my Fiorocet...which I had prescribed for them before I got pregnant. I am kind of nervous about what I take, but I did finally take one the other day, and it didn't even phase it. I have had this one for 4 days now! What can I do to help them? I sure hope lime crazy that after I'm out of the first trimester they go away and I can find more energy to do stuff. Ughhhhhh :'(