AF showed her face 😔

So after being 4 days late and no signs of her showing her face I really thought this was going to be our month. But nope I have been so I'll these past few days felling like a bubble is going to pop at the top of my belly. With no sleep and hugging SO and a hot water bottle all night AF showed a grand appearance this morning which means I'm out. 
I think now is the time to ease of the 'trying' lable and just try to just continue and see if it 'happens' with a lot of people saying that's the best way. 
I have got some pre-seed but I'm not using it just yet  I think we need a break from this stressful time, me and SO. Well what SO needs anyways, he said it's completely taken over my mind and it's all I talk about. I can't do this shouldn't be doing that. I see where he's coming from because it has. But.. I can't help it I want another baby so bad. 
Maybe in a few months we will be as lucky as some of you beautiful ladies 13-14 months has been hard. It's time for a break for couple months and then straight back at it - 
we will never lose hope, 
Just right now can't be our time. 