
Communication between my husband and I has been very little for a long time. We just had a huge blow up fight last Saturday. He finally pointed things out that I do/don't do that he doesn't like. He left and hasn't slept at home. He will come home every day for 30 min or less to see our son and the dog. I let him know that I am already working on some stuff that he pointed out but the rest I can't until he comes homes. He said he doesn't know when he will come home. I have him until Sunday to come home or I will be leaving. To me if a week away isn't enough for him than I just have to go and try to push through. So he knows he has a time limit and if he can't meet it than when he does come home the house will be empty. I feel everything would take some time to work through but that its not even close to impossible to not work through it. I love this man with everything I have and it really sucks just sitting here not knowing what he will decide and if I am about to loose him and have to start a huge transition into a new life without him by my side.