Abdominal Cerclauge


I had my daughter at 26 weeks. Before her I had 3 miscarriages. My daughter is now 10 and I am in my seconed marriage and wanted to give husband his first child. I knew getting pregnant was really risky...

I did reserch online and found out about an Abdominal Cerclauge. (A stich around the cervix to hold the baby in) (when done abdominaly, it is higher than a stich done cervical and is stronger)

I had a cervical cerclage when I was pregnant with my daughter and it didnt hold.

I got pregnant and went and saw a surgeon that specializes in abdominal cerclages and he gave me one at 7 weeks pregnant.

I am now 26weeks pregnant and have had NO complications. I was on bedrest with my last pregnancy and right now I am working a full time job on my feet all day.

I feel great, though I am exhausted.

This is the week I had my daughter 10 years ago and this new baby is not.going anywhere and it is such a relife to know.

I am posting this so other women can be informed.

When you think there is no hope, there is!

Please look up abdominal cerclage and they even have a support group a abbyloopers.com where you can get a ton of information including doctor's in your area and support from other women in you position.

Do your reserch, see if your insurance covers it, not all do and some doctors take cash if no insurance.

If you are really wanting a baby and have had a second trimester loss and or a premature birth due to incompetent cervix.. please look into this and good luck and God Bless!