Hurt about his whole daddies boy thing

Denicza • First baby. What a blessing !
Is it wrong that I feel a knot in my throat when my mother in law says "he's already a daddy's boy" "he loves to talk to my son" he loves to smile at my son" "he's already in love with his daddy". Sorry but he's not Gona be a nomas boy,It hurts me to the pit of my stomach. They compare him to everything daddy does. Of course I feel lucky to have a man that's there for his son and love him unconditionally. I'm military so my family isn't around EVER... So all I ever here is daddy daddy daddy. After the 10 months, the aches and pains, the sacrifices I've made, all horrible pain during labor, losing so much blood, crying every time something is wrong with him, losing so much sleep. Of course it melts my heart when I see the bond they have and I take pictures all day everyday of the 2 of them. Post them on Facebook and the mom sees it all. Pictures of my son and I don't have many. I have to put the timer on my phone and pretend to be having the sweetest moment with my son and hope he cooperates,  I wish my husband would look at the two of us, and having one of those heart melting moments and take pictures of us. So everyone can see that he loves me too, that he smiles and laughs when he hears my voice, when he calms down as soon as he sees me. The times I dance all goofy for him. The times we fall asleep together.. God knows how much I love my son and he knows how much he loves me.. I'm sitting here crying my eyes out as I write this. My husband didn't give birth to him. I did. He's half of the both of us.