Would You Leave This Job?

I work for family. It's my great uncle who owns the business, and it isn't that bad of a company. There are 9 employees and I am in charge of all the bookkeeping/payroll and I run the front of the store. To be honest, it's pretty boring. There aren't many customers and the phone doesn't ring much. I work 9-5, and I'm usually done with all the bookkeeping by 11. I'm efficient and good at what I do, but when the business is slow (always is) then there really isn't a whole lot for me to do. I'm getting so sick of sitting on my ass to say the least. I've gained 20 pounds in the past year of working there and then on top of that, it makes me look bad just sitting around waiting for a customer. What else am I to do? This could be manageable but then it gets tricky. My grandma, the owner's sister, is a mean lady. She accused me of stealing company credit cards, tried to get me fired by making up other lies, tells my dad (her son) that I'm lazy and no good. Also tells him I don't do my job and that I am rude to everyone. My dad told me to get the hell out of there and find a job worth having because he's sick of my grandma saying this bull and he's sick of me being treated horribly. I am too. Grandma tells her brother, my boss, these same things and he listens to her. He has become extremely mean and doesn't trust me, only because his sister is saying such things. He quit paying for my gas because of this so I have to run company errands out of my own pocket, and now also I have to prove all of my numbers and submit all bookkeeping products to him when he doesn't even understand them. He makes his product manager "watch me", and if I'm so much as 1 minute late I get in trouble. I'm getting depressed and the only ones who believe that I'm not a thief are my parents, my siblings and my aunt. My dad confronted my grandma and she denied everything and then told my boss that I am making up lies about the company. Then, when I confronted her and told her to stop getting involved, she denied everything again, tried to change subject and then tried to guilt trip me by saying I should be grateful to even have a job. My boss then tells me I can't leave because he's going on vacation and doesn't want to train anyone else if I leave. The next day she showed up while I went to the bank and gave my boss resumes from ladies from church and told my boss "You need to hire a real bookkeeper". I was so upset that I went home crying and my dad was livid when I called and told him. Friday, I didn't even go to work. He was so mean to me Thursday that I called in sick. I stayed in bed all day and had no motivation. This job is literally depressing me, but I can't leave until I have something else lined up. Tomorrow I have to return and I'm sick about it. My dad is trying to get me a job at his company, but in a different department. I have a job interview Monday and I'm praying for good things. I told my brother yesterday that I feel worthless and that I can't please anyone. That is how I feel, thanks to this situation. 
What would you do in this situation? I know leaving is the most logical thing to do. I'm just looking for some advice that isn't family. Thank you.