Failed bc?


My last period was March 4-8 I'm on bc have been for 3 months now sometimes miss days but take it as soon as I remember and never more than 2 consecutive days around March 24th I began to notice clear cm on my panties and when I wiped idk the exact date it started only noticed it the 24th then on the 1st of april I spotted for a day and my period was due that day so I assumed this was it but it never came later that week I started getting nauseated feeling off and on or when I eating and started having cramps on left side and a heavy feeling in my stomach well on April 7th I started and was relieved but now it's April 10th and I'm only spotting but still having pains in my left side and major nausea today and yesterday and I honestly thought nothing of it until my friend mentioned she knew a few people who still got their periods while pregnant

Symptoms I'm having

Extremely umm.. "excited" lately

Nausea worse after eating or drinking alcohol

Light cramps on left side



Acid reflux

Lower back pain

Crazy ass dreams😂

Sore throat and runny nose

Mood swings


And no I usually have no symptoms with my period besides bleeding lol not even cramping

We use the withdrawal method 95% of the time we had sex almost everyday last month due to me being really horny..😅

Is anyone else going through this I'm freaking out the app says I ovulated around the 20th of march.

EDIT: I take a low dose pill if that matters? Tri-lo estarylla