From May 2016 mom to April 2916 mom...


My due date this pregnancy was May 29, but my water broke on April 3, 32weeks gestation. The doctor said that 50% of babies are born 48hrs after water breaks, my baby has made it another while week and a day so far. Praying we make it to next sunday, which will be 34weeks. Last Monday bay was 3lbs 11 oz, today doctor thinks (no ultrasound) baby is over 4lbs. Cervix is still high, not even 1cm dialated and 50% efaced... Currently leaking fluid, which had been clear, now is more pink almost red.... Been cramping and contracting all day... I'm scared for our baby. I had a premie 10 yrs ago, he was 35w5d when he was born and spent a week in NICU. Had immature lungs and got pneumonia o, his first breath...

So scared...