What happened to us?

Me and this guy I have been friends with since high school and I hung out for the first time ever in October, and after we hung out we talked almost everyday, from morning to night, for a whole month. No phone calls.
Just text messages. We would send each other snaps, and tag one another on Facebook/Instagram posts. After talking, we agreed to hang out again, and in November we went out to eat and the movies. The first time we hung out we went to a haunted house and be paid for our tickets. The 2nd time we hung out, I smoked him out, and we went out to eat, and to the movies. He paid for dinner and movies. Once he dropped me off home, and before getting out of his car, I said "well I'll see you next month or next year." And he said "nah that's too long" and I giggled. I got out and got inside my house. I texted him 
"I had fun. Thank you so much. Text me when you get home" 20 mins later he texts me "I'm home". And ever since that day we stopped talking as much and now we basically don't talk anymore but we still have each other added on social media. We sometimes like each other's Facebook posts, and we watch each other snapchat stories whenever we post. But we no longer send each other snaps or tag each other on funny Facebook posts. We use to play video games online and now we don't. And I have also noticed that he hasn't liked a single one of my instgram pics since November. I don't know why he changed. Even after I started to feel like he didn't want to talk to me anymore, I kept trying to talk to him. And finally gave up which is why we don't talk anymore. He's my guy friend and I might have fallen for him. But he doesn't know how I feel about him. And I haven't treated him any different bc I don't want him to think that I'm bothered at the fact that he basically blew me off. I don't know why he stopped talking to me. I thought he liked me. When I say we use to talk everyday I mean almost everyday. One of us would fall asleep and continue the convo after we woke up. Our convos did die off about 2 times meaning, one of us stopped replying, and I didn't text him the next day and he texted me first. The 2nd and last time I texted him first. After he stopped talking to me. He would reply back but stop replying  3 messages into the convo. Or he would stop replying back at all to my "hey" he stopped asking how I was doing and that just hurts me. I feel like he didn't like me at all to begin with. Maybe because I have a kid, and my marriage is fell apart and he doesn't like that. I have no idea but whatever it is I wish I knew why he started being so distant.