Too much TV

First thing my bf watches as soon as he wakes up is TMZ. He stays in bed and turns on his TMZ app for mostly the drama for entertainment. When he gets out of bed he would turn on the computer and go on WorldStar for more drama. Even though he knows these two offer more than just drama, he selects the most dramatic videos and sometimes watches them over and over. Nothing wrong until he slowly started to think and maybe believe that drama is the way life should be. For example he thinks that the cheating, lying, verbal and physical abuse he sees is normal and wanders why we in our couple have none of that. So he thinks am might be dishonest and hidding my intentions from him. He thinks that am the same way all these dramatic people are on the videos he watches and i will show him what he thinks is my true color. On many occasions he referred to TMZ while we were in the middle of a disagreement and i feel like his way of thinking tend to make things bigger than they really are. I briefly told him that my life is no more or less than what he sees right now and that am not one of hisTMZ drama story. I dont know if it sank into his brain at all. Any body else experienced anything like that??