When to test?

Jenny • Married 5 years, ttc my rainbow baby
I ovulated late in my cycle. Had a positive opk on last Sunday cd22 6:30 pm and think I ovulated shortly after, cd24 9:00am.  I had brown spotting only one time I went to the bathroom. It is weird cause down there had not felt right all week. I am getting cramping and spouts of nausea, I even went to bed at 7:30 last night I was so tired. If I track my cycle the same way i did when I was on birth control(I just got off two months ago) tomorrow would be my off week (period week). On the pill I would get it in the Thursday of my off week but last month I got it on Sunday of my off week. So is tomorrow too early for me to take a pregnancy test or should i wait until next weekend....the cramping has been everyday since I ovulated. Thanks for your help.