I need some advice please!!

So I've been on the Mirena since 2008 after I gave birth to my daughter, so after 5 years they took out the old one then I got a new one put in. After they put in the new one I started getting really bad stomach pains so I decided to get off of the Mirena and decided to go with the shot...during the whole time my period started to get light then it eventually stopped so I haven't seen a period in a very long time! So I probably got the shot 3-4 times then decided again that I wanted my body to go back to normal so I was suppose to go in for a shot in aug 2013 but I didn't go. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now so we don't use protection, so yesterday morning I had spotting in the morning then I eventually started bleeding so I thought that I was finally getting my period, but by last night it completely stopped. Is that at all normal?