Guilty calling in sick from work

I am lucky and work at home for a call center. I'm 39 weeks and 4 days. Last night I couldn't get any sleep , getting up to be, discomfort in any sleeping position, also hip area seem to have pain when turning to the other side. This morning getting our girl ready for school was have bh contractions. I go back to sleep when the bus comes and goes to work when it's time. I just called in sick because I sleepy and bh are off and on , not enough to go to the doc yet, but we need the money. Husband is medically retired from the military. I feel it's best to relax right now ( even though I sit at a desk taking calls) but then I don't feel like I should tough it out and work until Friday when leave starts.

That's another story on its own. It has not been accepted yet, waiting for the doc to fax papers. They finally faxed them yesterday and takes 24 hours for the leave place to accept them. So... what happens there if it's not accepted by friday? Do I go to work still because that is my due date or what... hubby said I should ask my boss that question.