My story

So I have read a few post on here about homosexuality this is my story. When I was young 7yr old I was rape by family members kept it to myself for a long time I told my mom when I was a young adult  about 23 but I survived not to damaged I feel but any way. I use to like both girls and boys I've kissed a girl and was sexually attracted to a few when I was younger and confused but being raised Christian I knew that those actions are wrong so I turned to God and I read and prayed and repented for those sins and now I'm engaged to a man that I love and no longer have those urges. So for me through God anything can happen and for me turning to him saved me.  So FOR ME it was a choice not to be homosexual but aging that's just my story and everyone story is different. So just because someone feels a certain way about something done judge them till you know at least some of their story.