Has this happen to anyone??๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

So I had my first outer belly ultrasound yesterday and the baby was asleep. The technician tried waking it up and nothing. They suggested I walked for a few minutes to see if it will wake up, nothing. I saw and heard the heart beat and know baby was just fine. They reason why they needed it to wake up is so they could take exactly measurements of how developed my baby was, but because it was sleeping in a little ball fetus position they we not able to get the baby to stretch. When I got my first vaginal wand ultrasound at 8 weeks my OB said the baby was up to date with the time that I had he then gave me my due date was October 21 which would put me at 12w 5D now. Because the baby didn't stretch the technician now told me that my due date would be pushed back to October 29 putting me at 11w4d. Soooo should I just wait until my next appointment? Or should I be concerned? ๐Ÿ™ has this happened to anyone else? Please let me know! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚