in love with husband... but seems "abnormal"

I've been married for 3 years now and am so in love with my husband. We rarely fight/ get in arguments. He is so gentle towards me. He is often writing love notes and showing me how much he loves me. He only cares about pleasing me and never cared if we do or don't have sex. He's such a compassionate man. He even thinks it's cute when I pass gas😁Anyways, I have so many friends and read so many stories about just bad marriages but I don't feel like I can relate at all to my friends. Like I wake up so in love with my husband everyday. Is this abnormal? Or does anyone else have similar relationships? From friends and things I read it seems really abnormal or something and I feel like I'm waiting for the ball to drop... I grew up with an abusive father so I guess I'm just so so thankful for such a sweet husband. But I don't know if it's weird to feel THIS giddy and in love after 3 years of marriage. My parents were never like this. Anyone else, would love your thoughts? And to hear about marriages similar to ours!