moms with2-3 year olds...

Elaine • 23 yrs old, w| two beautiful girls💗 ages 5&2👑 currently pregnant with our first BOY💙 been with their daddy since 07'
has anyone ever had a hard time getting their toddler to brush their teeth? i always brushed them myself when she was younger but now that she has this independent thing going on, she HAS to do it by herself! she doesnt really do the job right... she mostly plays around with the tooth brush and never actually trys to brush.. i have tried having her mock myself when i brush, ive tried coaching her by saying "brush like this" or "brush the teeth in the back" nothing works! so i always have to get in there and do it the way i like it. but she refuses to let me help her which then ends up with me holding her down over my lap to get the job done! with lots of crying and fighting against me! so my question is... do any of you mommies have any tips or tricks to make sure that their teeth get brush properly?