Opinions please!

What would you do in my position? Any advice? I am supposed to be graduating with a bachelors degree next month BUT because I have changed my mind soo many times and transferred schools over the past 4 years I will not be graduating yet unfortunately. Thankfully though I only have 7 more courses to go after this semester! And I will be taking all of these courses online. 
Here's the thing, I am due June 3rd. These are my 2 options. 1 is to take 3 classes this summer from June 27th to August 5th and the other 4 classes in the fall so that I can graduate in December. Or 2 is to take 4 classes in the fall and other 3 next Spring and graduate in May of 2017. 
I am torn. I would really love to finish as quickly as possible. Taking 3 classes in basically 1 month this summer rather than for a full semester sounds better but those classes would also be quicker paced. I want to get it over with but I'm also afraid that I would feel overwhelmed/tired with a new baby and that I wouldn't get to enjoy him as newborn. But then I think it is such a short time and maybe it would be easier than when he is a 6 month-1 year old? I'm a first time mom so I'm not sure what to expect/which option would be best. Any advice is appreciated!