Chronic pain Rant

I've been to the doctor over 10 times in the last 3 months dealing with chronic pelvic pain and the pain is spreading down my legs. It's constantly hurting and I feel like there is pressure inside my vagina. Some days I can't get up to go to school and most the time curled up cause the pain gets extremely intense. I'm not sure what is going on, but ever test they done or ultrasounds they did appear normal. I feel like I'm going crazy because every day I can't sit up for long period of times not can I walk as I want to. My Breast hurt, my back hurts, and my hips down my legs hurt. 
I've had chronic pain since I was 13 years old but it gradually gotten worse over the 5 years. Im starting to feel hopeless that no doctor will ever be able to diagnose my illness. Also I was wonder has anyone had serve pain on nexaplon because I started mines February 9th and want to know any correlations with pain and birth control?
Thank you