Hello everybody take time to help me 😊

Gem • trying for baby no#1 since Sept 2015. One chemical pregancy sadly👼. onwards and upwards.

Hello everybody I would love what advice people would give of there expreinces or what has help them conceive we have been trying for 6month. I'm coming up fertile stage. Please anything would help us try some new things that have work for you or friend that has help them or you to concieve. I added screen shot of this month so idea of my ovulation ECT. Thank you if you leave comment 😊 I also added photo of me. Weight 7 half stone. 22 years old. 5ft 1.2 inches in height. Can't remember my bmi but I know was in middle so that was fine.

Please leave comment I always help anybody in here if I have any advise so in return would nice to get some help also