My BFP symptoms!

So today after our 3rd month of trying we got our BFPNow I thought I'd write my symptoms on here to share with you all as that's what I always looked for up until this.
So here goes...
Boobs became sore about 3 days before AF was due but my lefty was much more sore. They are still sore now, by sore I mean achey and hurt when I touch them. Also lefty has grown slightly larger than the righty, visible to the eye now! Strange! 
OMG the cramps! I got my usual pms cramps a couple of days before AF was due. They carried on for about 4 days after AF was due and still sometimes randomly appear now. They were weird, almost like an aching or a pressure. They moved back and forth from the centre to right hand side. Oh sometimes the top of leg ached and the inside of my groin. 
Nothing to report really. Had the usual amount before AF and that's continued now. 
Other symptoms 
No real nausea, just felt very full but that was probably due to constipation 😳 sorry, gross!!! 
My husband did note that my wee smelt strange once when he came into the bathroom as I was finishing up. 
No headaches but had the urge to drink a lot of water, very thirsty. 
Went to the loo more but obvs I was drinking more too. No headaches or anything. 
Lastly my dog has been a little weird, lying on my stomach at night. But he's affectionate anyway so that could be a coincidence. 
I waited a week to test as I was sad last month when AF was 2 days late, I tested and got BFN. So wanted to be sure this time. I used a Sainburys (supermarket) own brand (blue dye I know, shoot me) then confirmed with a ClearBlue Digi. 
Right I think that's it. 
Hope this helps one of you lovely ladies! 
Toodle Pip!