No kissing...

So I'm all for showing as much affection as wanted towards my baby...obviously as long as your not sick but I know that I love to kiss my babies at all times and I know others would too but I hate that I can't allow anyone not even myself to kiss my second baby caught the herpes simplex virus one month after she was born she caught a fever that was 102-103 and was extremely fussy we took her in to the ER and they couldn't find out what was going on they had to do a spinal tap to do further testing they poked my baby over 30 times one because they couldn't find a vein to put the iv in and two because they had to keep taking blood to do more and more test after a whole day and whole night they finally figured it out and we had to start treatment that was going to last two months...we stayed in the hospital every day we showered there slept there ate breakfast lunch and dinner there...we lived there my poor baby couldnt find any relief and we had to keep her on the whole ibuprofen/actemetophine cycle she couldn't sleep she couldn't eat it was just the most horrible two months of our lives that I couldn't do anything to help my baby but hold her they told us if we had gone into the ER any later that it would have spread to get brain and my baby may have not been alive today she will be 2 in Sept and is the funniest most craziest little being that I could not even imagine my life without...and I know that with what happen to my babygirl i have to protect my third baby from this virus and hopefully after reading this all of you will be very careful with kissing your baby my baby caught it with her daddy kissing her because he as a child caught the virus as well he struggled with this virus his whole life that he cried for days that his babygirl may have to go through all the embarssement and bullying and crying and physical and emotional pain he had to...he had no syptoms of a outbreak when my baby caught it and it was a very diffcult thing to handle I'm glad to say we have came through it all and although she may have had acouple outbreaks since then is has not got any worse and for that I'm very grateful!!!...