Mom Trolls GTFOH!!

Posted about circumcision the other day simply stating my feelings towards it and inviting FRIENDLY debate about. I've learned a lot researching it and I'm leaning towards keeping my son intact. It was not condescending nor did I throw shade at anyone who was for it I sincerely wanted to hear both sides of why and why not people chose to circumsize or not circumsize. 
Let me tell you, there are some real mom trolls on here who felt I was judging. I was not and will stand by that. Do whatever you want to do. I know a good 90% of us on this app are pregnant and all in our feelings but I'm smart enough not to give a fuck who agrees or disagrees with my opinion?? Why get your titties in a squeeze and troll people's posts? There is the one chick Ashley who is incessantly trolling my post repeating the same stupid BS she said 4-5 comments ago. like get a life. ITS A DIFFERENCE IN OPINION NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.. Anyone else experiance Trolls? Geeze they are the DUMBEST of the dumb! Ok rant over..