If you're gonna let this happen

Maranda • TTC w/ IBD & Fibromyalgia
Seriously Glow if you're not going to set religion rules in the public areas I'm going to go around spreading my religion everywhere so the Christian Bible humpers forcing their garbage down people's throats knows how it feels. This is so not okay! Religion separates people it has no place in the public areas it's that simple. Every forum under the damn sun I have ever been on has rules about politics and religion and they are that they are not welcome in the public areas because all they do is cause conflict. This is supposed to be a support group and all I do is bump into condescending Christians every where I turn. I don't bring my pagan beliefs and plaster them all over people's posts but the Christian people one here do that to almost every single post and it's getting ridiculous. It's extremely rude to tell me I'm not pregnant and don't have children because it's gods will. These people don't know god's will! They wouldn't know a god if it smacked them on the damn head. I can't believe you don't want your forums to be more inclusive and if you want this to be a Christian support group then by all means make it that and then at least people know what they're getting into. I'm so done with the Christian favouritism on this app.