I finally ended it

Candice • The baby is my goddaughter ❤️
Well my boyfriend and I started to date when I was 19 years old. We broke up last year and we dated about 2 1/2 years. It was hard but I focused on myself and found out what my limits are. We then after 8 months of seperation got back together. I thought things would be different and better the second time around. The first time we date we would always break up with me and put me down (called me fat, an embarrassment, and gross). The second we dated he just was emotionless and never communicated with me and showed me he loved me. I felt like a burden to him. He told me he doubted us bc we always break up (even tho he was always the one who did it). That was my breaking point and I broke up with him. Out of 4 years together (I'm now 22 and he is 23) I never broke up with him but doing it makes me feel in control of my life at last. I feel kind of bad bc I haven't cried. But it wasn't an adult relationship and I was over it. I just want to find someone who appreciates me but I'm finding that hard and impossible. I hated wasting so much time on him! I feel stupid 😞😞😞