I thought too much for myself when I was younger

I told myself I'll never give away my virginty to the first guy who ever shows me some kind of affection. I also told myself I wouldn't ever be with a guy who doesn't give me attention and disrespects me. I rember I also promised myself I wouldn't be with someone who's done me wrong and still beg them to stay in your life and that when times get hard it's okay to let go, and that it's okay when they break my heart because I'll be okay that I'll find the right one some day, that will love me even after everything, and that there will be someone who loves me no matter what and that I'll love him just the same that I won't be that girl who's stuck up with just one guy and never let go but I've turned to that girl who gets cheated on all the time and gets talked about for being so dumb and naive for that one guy hoping he will change its so hard and way more difficult than it seems when you think all you had to do is just block their number and move on it's not easy and I haven't gotten what it takes to move on I haven't gotten there but I'm  hoping I'll soon I pray for him more than i pray for myself hoping God will do what's best