
So I wasn't sure what category to post this. 
I had a miscarraige about 2 weeks ago. I didn't know I was pregnant and I am not ready to have a child with the father. My friends say "You are taking it really well." Well, I didn't know that there was something to lose to begin with and I didn't want it so I shouldn't be upset right? It was ironic that my friend that I went to the doctor with found out she is 5 months pregnant that same day so I felt like I couldn't make a big deal about the miscarraige when she was so excited about being pregnant.
It is finally starting to bother me. I'm 26 and my first pregnancy was an unwanted failure. I feel like a failure. I told the father and he was a total dick about it.
Anyone else have a miscarriage without knowing you were pregnant? How did you feel about it?