Prego test

Marie • 30 year old female, very happy in life, love, and work. Maybe I`m not fertile?

I hope I am having early signs of being prego for the first time. We timed it well on my ovulation days. My next period is the 30th or around there. When is too early for a test to be accurate? I only have 1 and I'm not even sure I can get pregnant.

I knoe it's lazy but it seems like a waste if I take it before my period is late. That way I will have another indicator . We have been having fun trying, especially lately, as he is so turned on by his baby, but I am ready for it and starting to feel hopeless.

Both my parents had a hard time conceiving me and it took them many years with one success. I'm worried I am barren and just tricking myself into it.

So yeah, ttc is sooo fun.