Mirena Moodswings


Hello all! Soooo next week I've booked an appointment with my gynae to have a Mirena IUD inserted and I went and made the awful mistake of Googling the side effects. There were 3 that really caught my eye, namely acne (worrying, but not the end of the world), weight gain (what woman wouldn't be worried about gaining a bit of weight?), but the most worrying side effect was that it caused mood swings in some women which was a little bit off putting for me especially because there is a history of depression on both my mother and fathers side of the family, but for the most part I'm quite a happy chappie myself who believes in the Power of Positive Thinking, something most people call nonsense, but I call magic.

Anyhow, I know that might be a little long-winded, but I guess what I'm wanting to ask you lovely ladies using the Mirena IUD, is how many of you feel that the device has caused a change in your moods? Your comments would be greatly appreciated!