Clear blue digital weeks indicator ...

Gemma • 38 years old with a 44 year old SO. Baby boy #1 born December 2016. Baby girl #2 born July 2018. Started journey for baby #3 November 2023!
Hey lovely ladies. So, glow and FF said OD on 5th April. I used a bbt chart but I was ill before ovulation and temps were 100.80+ so I discarded them. Used OPKs and + on cd 12&13 so I am pretty sure it was cd 13. I have take several HPT. One showed a faint line 9 DPO,  clear BFP and digital pregnant 10dpo. Darker line 11dpo. I had a clear blue digital week's indicator and it has showed up 2-3 weeks. Is this normal for 13 DPO? Or did I ovulate earlier? Or ... There are twins in my family. Could it be a sign? Any experiences welcome. Thanks X