11 month old.

I feel like a horrible mom. I'm a first time mom and there's certain things my daughter can't do or is choosing not to do and I feel like it's my fault. Everyone tells me she should be holding her own bottle at this point, and she doesn't. Also, I'm trying to get her to eat more food and less milk, and she gives me a hard time and refuses to eat more than a bite or two, so I just end up giving her a bottle if I don't do this and keep insisting on feeding her, she makes herself puke. She used to sleep through the night but doesn't anymore. She wakes up at least twice a night, for no reason. She won't stop crying until I bring her to our bedroom. She is driving me crazy. People tell me that they can just put their kids in their crib at her age with a bottle and they fall asleep in there. I just feel like I'm doing something wrong. She's on a strict schedule as well.