A cold turned into preterm labor:(

I've been sick with my 3 year old son for a couple days. Decided to head to the ER with him to get checked out. Had a sore throat, runny nose and ear pain and last night experienced the worse acid reflux I've ever had. So in the morning my husband took us both in, but I started feeling some cramping 
   Arrived at the ER and told them about my symptoms and cramping....immediately sent up to L&D! Everything seemed fine...thought they were gonna send me home with some meds BUT NO! 2cm dilated...not going home. Started magnesium, antibiotics and steroids. Rechecked and progressed to 3 cms and 40% effacement. 
  Ladies! Listen to your bodies. I wasn't experiencing contractions, but felt something was off. I had cramping, back pain and just a foreboding feeling that something was off for weeks now! I'm 28.5 and praying these babies stay for awhile longer. Positive thoughts and any sharing of your experiences is greatly appreciated.